
BB 唇油

太久沒發文了 來一篇記錄BB唇油的文章


不過用來用去就是那幾種口味 也開始有點膩了
整間辦公室都是這個味道 整整兩週都還聞得到 (真是驚人ㄚ)
也就是因為太香 就寫信問BB 這真的可以用在唇部上嗎
意思是說可以用在皮膚上且可以食用的 , 但是濃度很高, 建議用量在3-5% .

To answer your last question regarding the flavor oils, yes, they are skin safe and edible but they are meant to be diluted at a 3-5% usage rate. They are very strong as is, we do not cut them or add anything to them.

男友說護唇膏聞起來太甜了 不想跟妳親親
感覺好像會引來螞蟻 @@
又氣又好笑 哈哈~~

Coconut Flavor Oil 椰子
Island Paradise, here we come! This flavor oil smells just like a tropical vacation in a bottle. Instantly take yourself back to a warm and sunny place, where you slathered on the sun tan lotion and basked in the rays of the sun. If you like your drinks sweet and fruity (or if you like Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain), you'll appreciate this flavor.

Cucumber Melon 哈蜜瓜
單聞香精, 覺得太甜了, 但做起來還算能接受的味道, 不建議加太重
A complement to our best-selling Cucumber Melon fragrance, this Bath and Body Works(tm) type blend is a perennial favorite. Honied and cool, it's bound to please the most discerning customer

Margarita 瑪格麗特 這個味道還蠻清香的
Margarita - This flavor actually tastes more like Lime than Margarita but it's still a fun way to pretend that you're in Mexico. Use with our Shamrock Green Mica for a colorful lip balm!

Root Beer 麥根 哈 這真的就是麥根沙士的味道
Candied and rich, with just a hint of vanilla ice-cream, this is an ideal foil for one too many waxy lipsticks.

Vanilla 香草 淡淡香草味
A staple for any lip butter line, this vanilla is a wonderfully subtle flavor.

Pre-Sweetened (有甜味的)

Caramel 焦糖 就如其名
Buttery and sweet, this warm scent is rich and comforting. Suggested usage rate is .5% to 2% of the total weight of your lip balm.

Bubblegum 泡泡糖
This bubblegum is a bit more sophisticated than our non-sweetened Bubblegum flavor. It also has saccharin in it, making it taste sweeter on the lips. Suggested usage rate is .5% to 2% of the total weight of your lip balm.

Carrot Cake 蘿蔔糕
坦白說, 這是一個不知道怎麼形容的味道, 這是在美國他們常會做的一種蛋糕口味.
Carrot Cake - Carrot Cake is a traditional cream cheese frosting laden scent. With notes of butter, light spices and peach folded into a batter of coconut, hazelnut and nutmeg notes, this fragrance will make your mouth water. Heavy on the warm vanilla notes, this fragrance will discolor your soap.

1. Passionfruit Rose 百香果玫瑰 最受歡迎的口味, 但是我膩了...
2. Chocolate Orange Truffle 香橙巧克力 小朋友的最愛, 感覺就是巧克力的味道, 小朋友都拿來猛擦 , 大概有得到不能吃巧克力的慰藉吧~~~~呵呵
3. Mint Julet 冰鎮薄荷 會有涼涼的感覺 ,也是一般最能接受的味道
4. Ginger Peach 生薑蜜桃 混合薑與水蜜桃的味道, 還不錯, 不會有太甜的感覺 , (已停產了)
5. Buttercream 奶油乳霜 感覺太甜了
6. 拿鐵 是有拿鐵的味道, 不過每天擦感覺太膩了
7. 百香果花 跟百香果玫瑰有點像
8. 草莓 沒有草莓味 @@
9. 西瓜 淡淡西瓜味 , 這個味道還不錯
10.綠薄荷 青箭的味道, 不會涼

4 則留言:

sharon 提到...

我想請問您購買BB的唇油,上面是否有標示有效期限呢?大概的期限為幾年呢? 不好意思~因為找了好多資訊但都找不到,才前來詢問,再請您跟我說^^..謝謝您~

Grace 提到...

Sharon 妳好:

因為它們濃度都很高, 所以才需要稀釋
你可以參考看看~ ^^

Polly 提到...


Grace 提到...

Polly 妳好;
妳可以先將要購買的清單加入購物車送出後, 他們會Email回覆妳的運費, 有些會在結帳後計算運費, 妳再自己考慮一下划不划算嚕, 若購買的數量不多, 有可能運費會跟商品價格一樣喔! 或是你也可以考慮去烘陪店購買食用香精也可以喔!

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